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EMI for a Reducing Balance Loan
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After Insurance(0.1%)

Inspired by need to enable members to develop and own property at affordable rates, Wanandege Sacco Ltd, in the year 2006, registered a fully-fledged Investment society; Wanandege Housing Cooperative Society Ltd. For quite some time the Housing activities were carried out by Wanandege Sacco employees until August 2008 when they employed one staff who was in charge of the daily activities of the Society. In 2010 Wanandege housing employed two more staff on contractual basis but still its activities were carried out as a department of the SACCO under the close supervision of the SACCO C.E.O.

In 2011 Wanandege Housing moved to its current offices and employed three staff who have been running the office until early this Month when the Board recruited a manager to join the Team.

The current employees are as follows:

 Mr. Maina Kibaki – Ag. Manager
 Mr. John Gitonga - Office Assistant

The Cooperative is governed by a team of nine elected members of the Board who are also appointed to serve in 5 sub-Committees namely, Executive Committee, Credit Committee, Education Committee, Staff Committee and Investment Committee. The Society has a supervisory committee which plays the oversight role on behalf of the Society Members. The Society draws its members from Kenya Airways, KALPA, Kentainers and other organizations approved by AGM. The society has so far achieved tremendous growth in membership and share capital after opening its membership to the general public in 2011.

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